Sunday, July 20, 2014

Should Students Be Able to Access the Internet During Test Taking?

After reading the article by James Cash and Jeffery Star, I have some new opinions on whether or not students should be able to use the internet during the test. When I first looked at the title of the article I was caught off guard. I wondered who would actually think this is a good idea. After I read the "Yes" side of the article, I got some more insight on why the internet could be helpful. The authors commented that the internet should be able to be used during tests because it would mean that the teachers have to create tests that test knowledge beyond basic facts. This is definitely true. If a teacher were to allow his or her students to access the internet while testing, the test would need to be different than most tests. The idea of testing whether or not the students are able to apply their knowledge in different situations is better than testing if a student knows basic facts. If the internet is going to be allowed during tests, there should be a time limit on the test. Although my opinion on the issue has changed a little bit, I still agree with the "No" side of the article. I think that the internet just doesn't need to be used during tests. It is used in so many other areas of our lives, and we can do without it during an hour long test. I might also have this view because I successfully finished Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and College without using internet on tests. Students still learn everything they need to even if they don't use the internet while testing. If the internet is used while testing, and the students know that it is available, then they will use it more as a crutch. I also agree with the article because the internet has a lot of distractions. As much as students would say they wouldn't get distracted during the tests, it is bound to happen. As much as using the internet during tests sounds like it would be great idea, I think it would create more problems.


  1. Meredith,

    While I disagree your stance that the internet should not be used during tests, I do think you highlight real problems with allowing it to be used. Kids are indeed easily distractible, and somehow teacher who intend on utilizing the internet for tests must address this issue. I would use time limits and also stress to the students that the more time they spend on sites for fun, the less time they have to do their test. There are problems created by using the internet, but I think the benefits outweigh them. You said that allowing for the internet allows for questions that go beyond fact recall, which is obviously a good thing. So while students can get distracted, we would hopefully be teaching them to think more critically. For me, a little off-task behavior is acceptable if in return I get a class full of students who can evaluate, synthesize, et cetera.

  2. Something you said caught my attention:
    "I might also have this view because I successfully finished Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and College without using internet on tests. Students still learn everything they need to even if they don't use the internet while testing."

    This is a fact. However, the same school you went to and the children their now? They are able to learn more and access more information and learn more about the world than you were at that age. I wish we had the internet when I was a kid. I would have been much more engaged to learn. It also helps us as teachers. If we don't know an answer on the spot? Bam, there's the internet.

    "...the internet has a lot of distractions."
    Man, don't I know it. And because I didn't use it all the time, I don't know how to manage my time on here. If I had grown up with more exposure and time on the internet and been guided by those older than me who actually KNEW about the internet (like kids can now) I'd be better at ignoring distractions. And, also, as you even said, we can set up timed tests. They do this at a lot of colleges. Most of my years at University, I had exams and quizzes on Moodle. They were timed and they encouraged us to use the internet. But it did prove to be difficult and we were better off reading. Using the internet makes it easier for the teacher also. SO much easier.

    Really, who wants to lug around a ton of papers when you can just get on your computer and work from a coffee shop? I know what I like more. :)
